5 March 2011

What Makes A Great Blog?

Anyone can set up their own blog on the internet, but it requires both hard work and dedication to make a blog great.

While our blogs have been created for academic purposes, they (like any other blog) are still being used as a sole means of communication. As such, there are numerous blogging tips we can follow to ensure that our blogs successfully communicate our thoughts and ideas.

Content is Key!
Your content needs to be fresh and original! Interesting and engaging blog content will keep readers interested and coming back for more.

Maintain a ‘User Friendly’ Design
This will make it easy for people to navigate around your page and find the information they are looking for.

Develop Great Functionality
Blog functionality can not only improve your readership but it can also allow a chance for interaction. Customising your side bar, adding a sitemap and the inclusion of comment boxes can all increase your blog functionality.

Lists and Bullet Points
A text heavy blog is a turn off. Don’t be afraid to use lists and bullets points to communicate your ideas…the easier it is for your content to be absorbed the more return visits you’ll have!

Ask Questions
Blogs aren’t monotone…ask questions and provoke conversation and feedback.

Have Fun
Develop a voice and most all have fun with it!


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