7 March 2011

Blog Loving

For this weeks homework we were asked to find and follow three blogs that we find interesting...piece of cake! Each of the blogs listed below are fabulous in their own right, so it serves as no task to share them with you.
Gritty Pretty
I admire this blog for so many reasons, which is why it is somewhat sad that its creator Eleanor Pendleton (a born and raised central coast girl like myself!) has hung up her lipgloss to focus on her new job as Beauty Editor at InStyle Magazine. Not only do I enjoy the raw and beautiful voice that Eleanor has created through her posts over the years, but I adore the visual layout of this blog...plain, simple yet somewhat edgy, right? It is my belief that this blog has found the perfect balance between written and visual content, making it the perfect example of, well, the perfect blog!

Gary Pepper Vintage
I have watched Gary Pepper Vintage rapidly grow in readership over the past year. What started as a young girls dream to create a brand for the fun and quirky Japanese pop star, has quickly evolved into a booming online business that owner and creator Nicole Warne has worked tirelessly to produce. Blessed with amazing height and incredibly long limbs, Nicole and boyfriend Luke work together to produce amazing look book’s that feature both vintage and designer pieces that are alone an inspiration to simply observe. Much like Gritty Pretty, I love the immediacy of this blog and the friendly voice that has been created through Nicole’s posts. Not only does she make us feel like more of a friend than a reader, but she also works well to encourage both conversation and reader feedback!
[frockwriter] is a fashion blog created and maintained by Sydney based Journalist Patty Huntington. It is different to Gritty Pretty and Gary Pepper Vintage in that it is not a lighthearted commentary on all things fashion, but instead a content heavy news blog. Interested in breaking fashion news? Then [frockwriter] is definitely the blog for you. Visually speaking, I love the simplicity of [frockwriter]. Not only is it incredibly easy to navigate around the page, but the side bar makes it effortless to follow the blog (and blogger) on other sites such as facebook and twitter. While its content can at some times be quite lengthy, I continue to find each of Patty’s stories interesting to read...but then again, my love for breaking news and gossip could make my opinion slightly bias!


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