1 September 2011


  1. Start with a black and white image of your garment
  2. Draw a box around the whole gamrent (no fill)
  3. Copy and paste drawing and box, deleting all the design features of the garment.
  4. Select all garments and box and change the width of the line to 0.75
  5. Copy again and paste into a NEW PHTOTSHOP file in PIXELS

  1. Turn background off and delete around all edges to get rid of the box.
  2. Delete the white of the garment using the magic wand/turning contigeous off
  3. Create new layer-FABRIC
  4. paste fabric swatch and use the rectangle marquee to find the repeat.
  5. make pattern but going to edit-define pattern-name the pattern
  6. new layer-FABRIC FILL
  7. select the whole layer and go to edit-fill-click on pattern

NOTE: If you need to rescale the pattern this is the time you should do it!

  1. Once we have this whole layer of fabric we can then duplicate the layer multiple times for rendering.
  2. Working on these layers use the rectangle tool to transform fabric so that grinline is the right way.
  3. Go to outline layer and use the wand to select the part of the garment you are rendering (eg sleeve)
  4. BEFORE DELETING click on burn tool and go back to FABRIC FILL LAYER to put in shadow.
  5. when done go to select-inverse-delete. This will delete the unwanted fabric.
  6. Working on another whole FABRIC FILL LAYER repeat the above steps to render other pieces of the garment ie. back, front, pockets, lapel, collar etc.

NOTE: Remember to warp fabric for collar and lapel (If applicable to design)
  1. On one last fabric layer, use magic wand to select background (all area around the outline of the garment) and delete. This will mean no white lines show in between garment pieces.
  2. SAVE FILE on hardrive under 'PhotoShopFiles'.
  3. SAVE FILE again as a GIF on harwear under 'Linked Files'

  1. File-Place-Select GIF File
  2. Shrink garment back to the correct size.
  3. Send to back and object-lock GIF File
  4. Get complete garment (line work) and drag it over fabric file so that it is sitting ontop.
  5. Turn the fill off...if done correctly shapes should show up all throughout garment.
  6. Go through garment and delete lines

NOTE: When you place an image into illustrator it creates a LINK. If you realsie you have made a mistake suring the photoshop rendering you can correct in photoshop, save file, replace file and it will automatically update in illustrator.

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